Bay to Sound Neighbors
Bay to Sound Neighbors
Community Organizations Senior Care
We are Bay to Sound Neighbors, a community-based, non-profit membership organization developed for the sole purpose of helping older members of the beachside communities of Yarmouth and Dennis on Cape Cod, “age in place” at home for as long as possible through the support of volunteers in the community. Bay to Sound Neighbors is part of a new and exciting national movement of people who are taking charge of their futures as they age. The 'Village Movement' is an aging in place initiative that is at the forefront of an innovative approach to aging. Over 200 Villages already exist in the U.S. and nearly that many more are in development. Our Village offers members an array of services that include transportation, light home and garden chores and friendly visits, just to name a few. We will provide the volunteer services for our members that are essential for continuing to age effectively in the neighborhoods we all cherish. Our virtual office hours are: Monday-Friday, 9 - 12 pm and 1 - 4 pm.